day20 package



day20.day20 module

Day20 solution.

day20.day20.export_graph(dots: list[Graph], module_groups: ModuleGroups, simulation_counter: int, export_graphs: bool) None[source]

Export a graphviz datatype if graphing is enabled.

day20.day20.get_loop_paths(start_switch: str, module_map: dict[str, BaseModule]) list[BaseModule][source]

Given a start path, returns the longest path until we hit a conjunction module.

It should be n FlipFlops and then a single conjunction

day20.day20.get_module_groups(module_map: dict[str, BaseModule]) ModuleGroups[source]

Splits the modules into their respective pipelines.

day20.day20.get_typed_module(module_map: dict[str, BaseModule], key: str, module_type: Type[T]) T[source]

Typecast a module.

day20.day20.graph_modules(module_groups: ModuleGroups, index: int) Digraph[source]

Graphs the modules.

day20.day20.main() None[source]

Loads data from file then runs part1/part2.

day20.day20.output_files(dots: list[Graph], directory: str) None[source]

Saves a list of dots to file.

day20.day20.output_graph(dot: Graph, directory: str) None[source]

Saves a dot to file.

day20.day20.output_graph_wrapper(args: tuple[Graph, str]) None[source]

Since process_map doesnt support star_args, we gotta use this.

day20.day20.part1(modules: list[BaseModule]) int[source]

Counts low/high count for each module.

day20.day20.part2(modules: list[BaseModule], export_graphs: bool = False) tuple[int, list[Graph]][source]

We find out the loop length for each of the 4~ paths.

day20.day20.path_is_start_state(modules: list[BaseModule]) bool[source]

For every module in the path, make sure its in its “initial” state.

day20.day20.simulate(modules: dict[str, BaseModule], stored_pulses: list[PulseTarget] | None = None) tuple[int, int][source]

Simulate a list of modules.

If you pass in stored_pulses, we will append every pulse to it

Module contents

Day20 solution.