day25 package



day25.day25 module

day25 solution.

class day25.day25.Connection(src: str, dests: list[str])[source]

Bases: object

Connection between two nodes.

dests: list[str]
node_names() list[str][source]

Return all nodes in a connection.

src: str
day25.day25.get_data(path: str) list[Connection][source]

Loads data and parses it into list of connections.

day25.day25.main() None[source]

Load data and solve.

day25.day25.parse_connection(line: str) Connection[source]

Parse connection into well defined class.

E.g. src: dest1 dest2 dest3.

day25.day25.show_graph(graph: Graph) None[source]

Draws a graph that you can see.

day25.day25.solve_nodes(connections: list[Connection]) int[source]

Graphs the modules.

Module contents

day25 solution.