Source code for day20.day20

"""Day20 solution."""
import math
import os
import shutil
from queue import Queue
from typing import Optional, Type, TypeVar, cast

import graphviz
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map

from day20.lib.classes import (
from day20.lib.parsers import get_modules

FILE_A = "day20/input-a.txt"
FILE_B = "day20/input-b.txt"
FILE_PT2 = "day20/input-test2.txt"
FILE_PROD = "day20/input.txt"

VIS_FOLDER = "day20/vis"

[docs] def simulate( modules: dict[str, BaseModule], stored_pulses: Optional[list[PulseTarget]] = None ) -> tuple[int, int]: """Simulate a list of modules. If you pass in stored_pulses, we will append every pulse to it """ pulses: Queue[PulseTarget] = Queue() pulses.put(PulseTarget(Pulse.LOW, "button", "broadcaster")) low = 0 high = 0 while not pulses.empty(): pulse_target: PulseTarget = pulses.get() if stored_pulses is not None: stored_pulses.append(pulse_target) if pulse_target.pulse == Pulse.LOW: low += 1 else: high += 1 module: BaseModule = modules[] results: list[PulseTarget] = module.handle_pulse( pulse_target.src, pulse_target.pulse ) for result in results: pulses.put(result) return low, high
[docs] def get_loop_paths( start_switch: str, module_map: dict[str, BaseModule] ) -> list[BaseModule]: """Given a start path, returns the longest path until we hit a conjunction module. It should be n FlipFlops and then a single conjunction """ path: list[BaseModule] = [] current_module: BaseModule = module_map[start_switch] while isinstance(current_module, FlipFlopModule): path.append(current_module) if len(current_module.outputs) == 1: current_module = module_map[current_module.outputs[0]] else: # return flipflop in outputs outputs: list[BaseModule] = [ module_map[output] for output in current_module.outputs ] filtered = [node for node in outputs if isinstance(node, FlipFlopModule)] assert len(filtered) == 1 current_module = filtered[0] path.append(current_module) # should be a ConjunctionModule assert isinstance(current_module, ConjunctionModule) return path
[docs] def path_is_start_state(modules: list[BaseModule]) -> bool: """For every module in the path, make sure its in its "initial" state.""" return all(module.is_initial_state() for module in modules)
T = TypeVar("T", bound=BaseModule)
[docs] def get_typed_module( module_map: dict[str, BaseModule], key: str, module_type: Type[T] ) -> T: """Typecast a module.""" return cast(T, module_map[key])
[docs] def get_module_groups(module_map: dict[str, BaseModule]) -> ModuleGroups: """Splits the modules into their respective pipelines.""" broadcaster = get_typed_module(module_map, "broadcaster", BroadcastModule) loop_paths = [ get_loop_paths(node_name, module_map) for node_name in broadcaster.outputs ] loop_tails: list[ConjunctionModule] = [] # for each loop, the conjunction module goes to one other conjunction. # grab this set of conjunctions, they are known as loop_tails for loop_path in loop_paths: last_node = loop_path[-1] nodes = [module_map[node_name] for node_name in last_node.outputs] filtered = [node for node in nodes if isinstance(node, ConjunctionModule)] assert len(filtered) == 1 loop_tails.extend(filtered) last_join_name = loop_tails[0].outputs[0] last_conjunction = get_typed_module(module_map, last_join_name, ConjunctionModule) sink = get_typed_module(module_map, "rx", SinkModule) return ModuleGroups(broadcaster, loop_paths, loop_tails, last_conjunction, sink)
[docs] def graph_modules(module_groups: ModuleGroups, index: int) -> graphviz.Digraph: """Graphs the modules.""" index_str = str(index).zfill(4) graph_attr = {"labelloc": "t", "label": index_str} dot = graphviz.Digraph(f"Push {index_str}", format="png", graph_attr=graph_attr) # broadcaster with dot.subgraph(graph_attr={"rank": "source"}) as s: s.node( # loop nodes for index in range(max(len(loop) for loop in module_groups.loops)): with dot.subgraph(graph_attr={"rank": "same"}) as s: s.attr(rank="same") for loop_path in module_groups.loops: if index < len(loop_path) - 1: node = loop_path[index] s.node( # loop tails with dot.subgraph(graph_attr={"rank": "same"}) as s: for node in module_groups.loop_tails: s.node( # penultimate with dot.subgraph(graph_attr={"rank": "same"}) as s: s.node( with dot.subgraph(graph_attr={"rank": "sink"}) as s: s.node( # now that we've done ranks, just add all of them with their arrows. for node in module_groups.all_nodes: node.add_to_graph(dot) return dot
[docs] def export_graph( dots: list[graphviz.Graph], module_groups: ModuleGroups, simulation_counter: int, export_graphs: bool, ) -> None: """Export a graphviz datatype if graphing is enabled.""" if export_graphs: dot = graph_modules(module_groups, simulation_counter) dots.append(dot)
[docs] def part2( modules: list[BaseModule], export_graphs: bool = False ) -> tuple[int, list[graphviz.Graph]]: """We find out the loop length for each of the 4~ paths.""" module_map = { module for module in modules} module_groups: ModuleGroups = get_module_groups(module_map) # graph modules in initial state dots: list[graphviz.Graph] = [] simulation_counter = 0 loop_counter: LoopCounter = LoopCounter(len(module_groups.loops)) # output our initial state: export_graph(dots, module_groups, simulation_counter, export_graphs) # run simulation, screenshotting everytime one of the paths "loops" while not loop_counter.finished: simulate(module_map) simulation_counter += 1 for loop_path in module_groups.loops: if path_is_start_state(loop_path): loop_end_name = loop_path[-1].name loop_counter.add_result(loop_end_name, simulation_counter) export_graph(dots, module_groups, simulation_counter, export_graphs) print(loop_counter) result = math.lcm(*list(loop_counter.loop_lengths.values())) return result, dots
[docs] def part1(modules: list[BaseModule]) -> int: """Counts low/high count for each module.""" module_map = { module for module in modules} low_total = 0 high_total = 0 for _ in range(1000): low, high = simulate(module_map) low_total += low high_total += high print(low_total, high_total) return low_total * high_total
[docs] def output_graph(dot: graphviz.Graph, directory: str) -> None: """Saves a dot to file.""" dot.render(directory=directory)
[docs] def output_graph_wrapper(args: tuple[graphviz.Graph, str]) -> None: """Since process_map doesnt support star_args, we gotta use this.""" dot, directory = args output_graph(dot, directory)
[docs] def output_files(dots: list[graphviz.Graph], directory: str) -> None: """Saves a list of dots to file.""" if len(dots) == 0: return shutil.rmtree(directory, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) dot_dirs = [(dot, directory) for dot in dots] process_map(output_graph_wrapper, dot_dirs, chunksize=4) # type: ignore # Cleanup *.gv files for item in os.listdir(directory): if item.endswith(".gv"): os.remove(os.path.join(directory, item))
[docs] def main() -> None: """Loads data from file then runs part1/part2.""" modules = get_modules(FILE) # q1 print(part1(modules)) # q2 # Reload because part1 ruins stuff modules = get_modules(FILE) result, dots = part2(modules, EXPORT_GRAPHS) print(result) output_files(dots, VIS_FOLDER)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()