Source code for day24.day24

"""day24 solution."""
from typing import Optional

import z3

from day24.lib.classes import Hailstone, Vector2
from day24.lib.parsers import parse_input

INPUT = ("day24/input.txt", Vector2(200000000000000, 400000000000000))
INPUT_SMALL = ("day24/input-small.txt", Vector2(7, 27))

[docs] def get_intersection_2d(left: Hailstone, right: Hailstone) -> Optional[Vector2]: """Returns intersection of two hailstones.""" pos1 = left.position.xy dir1 = left.velocity.xy pos2 = right.position.xy dir2 = right.velocity.xy determinant = (dir1.x * dir2.y) - (dir1.y * dir2.x) if determinant == 0: return None # parallel t1 = ((pos2.x - pos1.x) * dir2.y - (pos2.y - pos1.y) * dir2.x) / determinant t2 = ((pos2.x - pos1.x) * dir1.y - (pos2.y - pos1.y) * dir1.x) / determinant if t1 < 0: # in the past :( return None if t2 < 0: # in the past :( return None intersection_point = Vector2(pos1.x + t1 * dir1.x, pos1.y + t1 * dir1.y) return intersection_point
[docs] def within_2d(point: Vector2, min_max: Vector2) -> bool: """Returns whether a point is inside a given rectangle. x and y are both symmetric and defined by min_max. """ return min_max.x <= point.x <= min_max.y and min_max.x <= point.y <= min_max.y
[docs] def part1(hailstones: list[Hailstone], valid_range: Vector2) -> int: """Solve part1: list of hailstones that are within a given rectangle.""" result = 0 print(len(hailstones)) left: Hailstone right: Hailstone for index, left in enumerate(hailstones[:-1]): for right in hailstones[index + 1 :]: intersection: Optional[Vector2] = get_intersection_2d(left, right) if intersection is None: continue if within_2d(intersection, valid_range): result += 1 return result
[docs] def part2(hailstones: list[Hailstone]) -> int: """Solve part2: a magic hailstone that passes through all other hailstones.""" x, y, z = z3.Reals("x y z") vx, vy, vz = z3.Reals("vx vy vz") solver = z3.Solver() for index, hail in enumerate(hailstones[:3]): pos = hail.position vel = hail.velocity t = z3.Real(f"t{index}") solver.add(t >= 0) solver.add(x + vx * t == pos.x + vel.x * t) solver.add(y + vy * t == pos.y + vel.y * t) solver.add(z + vz * t == pos.z + vel.z * t) print(solver.check()) model = solver.model() rx, ry, rz = ( model.eval(x).as_long(), model.eval(y).as_long(), model.eval(z).as_long(), ) if not isinstance(rx, int): raise AssertionError("rx is non-int!") if not isinstance(ry, int): raise AssertionError("ry is non-int!") if not isinstance(rz, int): raise AssertionError("rz is non-int!") return rx + ry + rz
[docs] def main() -> None: """Loads input then solves.""" input_data, valid_range = INPUT hailstones: list[Hailstone] = parse_input(input_data) print(len(hailstones)) print(part1(hailstones, valid_range)) print(part2(hailstones))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()