Source code for day23.lib.classes

"""Classes for part1."""
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from queue import Queue
from typing import Any, Optional

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class Position: """Simple 2d Vector.""" row: int col: int
[docs] def copy_modify( self, row: Optional[int] = None, col: Optional[int] = None ) -> "Position": """Copies us and offsets by the given offset.""" if row is None: row = self.row else: row = self.row + row if col is None: col = self.col else: col = self.col + col return Position(row, col)
def __str__(self) -> str: """Pretty-printable representation.""" return f"{self.row}, {self.col}"
[docs] def expand(self) -> list["Position"]: """Expand in 4 cardinal directions.""" return [ self.copy_modify(row=-1), self.copy_modify(row=+1), self.copy_modify(col=-1), self.copy_modify(col=+1), ]
[docs] class Path: """A list of Positions.""" route: list[Position] nodes: set[Position] def __init__(self) -> None: """Creates an empty path.""" self.route = [] self.nodes = set()
[docs] def can_add(self, position: Position) -> bool: """Whether we can add a given position. If we have already visited the position, we can't """ return position not in self.nodes
[docs] def add(self, position: Position) -> None: """Add a position to the path.""" self.route.append(position) self.nodes.add(position)
[docs] def copy(self) -> "Path": """Copy us.""" result = Path() result.route = self.route[:] result.nodes = set(result.route) return result
[docs] def flip(self) -> "Path": """Flip a path by reversing the order.""" result = self.copy() result.route.reverse() return result
[docs] def last(self) -> Position: """Return last position in path. Raises: ValueError: if we have no positions. Returns: Position: last position in path """ if len(self.route) == 0: raise ValueError("Don't call last when i'm empty 4head") return self.route[-1]
[docs] def overlay(self, maze: "Maze") -> str: """Overlay us onto a maze, return a neat string. Args: maze (Maze): maze to overlay. Returns: str: a nice string to print. """ base_str = str(maze) char_array: list[list[str]] = [list(line) for line in base_str.split("\n")] for node in self.route: char_array[node.row][node.col] = "O" return "\n".join("".join(char for char in row) for row in char_array)
def __len__(self) -> int: """Length of path. Will be offset by -1 because problem is like that. """ return len(self.route) - 1 def __eq__(self, other: object) -> Any: """Whether another path is equal.""" if not isinstance(other, Path): raise AssertionError("eq only works on Path") return self.route == other.route def __hash__(self) -> int: """Custom hash function so we can be added to a set.""" return hash(",".join(str(item) for item in self.route))
[docs] class Maze: """2d array of chars.""" grid: list[list[str]] # 2d array of chars num_rows: int num_cols: int def __init__(self, data: list[list[str]]) -> None: """Initializes us and our row/col fields.""" self.grid = data self.num_rows = len(data) self.num_cols = len(data[0]) def __str__(self) -> str: """Pretty-print.""" return "\n".join("".join(col for col in row) for row in self.grid) def __getitem__(self, position: Position) -> Optional[str]: """Get item via position. Returns None if out of bounds.""" if not isinstance(position, Position): raise AssertionError(f"position is not a Position, {type(position)}") if self.is_oob(position): return None return self.grid[position.row][position.col] def __setitem__(self, position: Position, value: str) -> None: """Get item via position. Returns None if out of bounds.""" if not isinstance(position, Position): raise AssertionError(f"position is not a Position, {type(position)}") if self.is_oob(position): raise AssertionError("can't set outside our maze!") self.grid[position.row][position.col] = value
[docs] def is_oob(self, position: Position) -> bool: """True if position is out of bounds.""" return ( position.row < 0 or position.row >= self.num_rows or position.col < 0 or position.col >= self.num_cols )
[docs] def copy(self) -> "Maze": """Copies us.""" result = Maze(deepcopy(self.grid)) return result
[docs] def get_cell_branches(self, position: Position) -> int: """Returns how many branches come out of this tile.""" result = 0 if self[position] != ".": return 0 for direction in position.expand(): tile = self[direction] if tile is not None and tile != "#": result += 1 return result
[docs] class Solver1: """Solver for part1.""" maze: Maze handle_hills: bool def __init__(self, maze: Maze, handle_hills: bool = True) -> None: """Create a solver, by storing our maze and whether we want to handle hills. Args: maze (Maze): maze to solve handle_hills (bool, optional): Whether ``<^V>`` are one-way. (Default=True) """ self.maze = maze self.handle_hills = handle_hills
[docs] def solve(self) -> list[Path]: """Solve the maze, using bfs.""" paths: Queue[Path] = Queue() first_path = Path() first_path.add(Position(0, 1)) paths.put(first_path) # bfs all paths simultaneously results: list[Path] = [] count = 1 while not paths.empty(): path = paths.get() if path.last().row == self.maze.num_rows - 1: results.append(path) continue expansions = self.expand_path(path) for expansion in expansions: paths.put(expansion) count += 1 return results
[docs] def expand_hill(self, position: Position, tile: str) -> list[Position]: """Expand valid positions based on our current tile.""" if tile == "^": return [position.copy_modify(row=-1)] elif tile == "v": return [position.copy_modify(row=+1)] elif tile == "<": return [position.copy_modify(col=-1)] elif tile == ">": return [position.copy_modify(col=+1)] else: return position.expand()
[docs] def expand_path(self, path: Path) -> list[Path]: """Expand path based on current path.""" current_pos: Position = path.last() current_tile: Optional[str] = self.maze[current_pos] if current_tile is None: raise AssertionError("there's no shot we got a tile outside the maze") expansions: list[Position] if self.handle_hills: expansions = self.expand_hill(current_pos, current_tile) else: expansions = current_pos.expand() valid_expansions = [] for expansion in expansions: expansion_tile = self.maze[expansion] if ( path.can_add(expansion) and expansion_tile is not None and expansion_tile != "#" ): valid_expansions.append(expansion) return generate_paths(path, valid_expansions)
[docs] def generate_paths(path: Path, expansions: list[Position]) -> list[Path]: """Given a path and valid expansions, (optionally) copies the path. Returns a list of new paths. If there is only one expansion, modifies it in-place """ if len(expansions) == 0: return [] elif len(expansions) == 1: path.add(expansions[0]) return [path] else: result = [] for expansion in expansions[1:]: new_path = path.copy() new_path.add(expansion) result.append(new_path) path.add(expansions[0]) result.append(path) return result