Source code for day22.lib.classes

"""Classes for day22."""
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional

import vpython

[docs] @dataclass class Vector3: """Simple 3d vector.""" x: int y: int z: int
[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class BoxData: """A box in 3d space.""" name: str = field(hash=True) start_pos: Vector3 = field(hash=False) end_pos: Vector3 = field(hash=False) vbox: Optional[] = field( init=False, repr=False, hash=False, default=None ) supports: set["BoxData"] = field( default_factory=set, hash=False, repr=False, init=False ) # list of blocks we support hats: set["BoxData"] = field( default_factory=set, hash=False, repr=False, init=False ) total_hats: set["BoxData"] = field( default_factory=set, hash=False, repr=False, init=False ) @property def vpos(self) -> vpython.vector: """Pos according to vpython.""" pos = self.start_pos return vpython.vector( pos.x + self.length / 2, pos.z + self.height / 2, pos.y + self.width / 2 ) @property def length(self) -> float: """Length according to vpython.""" return float(self.end_pos.x - self.start_pos.x + 1) @property def width(self) -> float: """Width according to vpython.""" return float(self.end_pos.y - self.start_pos.y + 1) @property def height(self) -> float: """Height according to vpython.""" return float(self.end_pos.z - self.start_pos.z + 1) @property def z_val_bot(self) -> int: """Return lowest z value (self.start_pos.z).""" return self.start_pos.z @property def z_val_top(self) -> int: """Return maximum z value(self.end_pos.z).""" return self.end_pos.z #################################### # Visualisation calls (not ci'ed) # ####################################
[docs] def set_vbox(self, vbox: -> None: # pragma: no cover """Store a vpython box onto this boxdata.""" self.vbox = vbox
[docs] def fall(self) -> None: """Move block down vertically.""" self.start_pos.z -= 1 self.end_pos.z -= 1 # vbox y == boxdata z if self.vbox is not None: # pragma: no cover self.vbox.pos.y -= 1
[docs] def select(self) -> None: """Select a box by offsetting it to the side.""" if self.vbox is not None: # pragma: no cover self.vbox.pos.x += 30 self.vbox.pos.z -= 30
[docs] def unselect(self) -> None: """Unselect a box by putting it back.""" if self.vbox is not None: # pragma: no cover self.vbox.pos.x -= 30 self.vbox.pos.z += 30
################################################ # Calculations; supports, hats, recursive fall # ################################################
[docs] def set_supports(self, supports: set["BoxData"]) -> None: """Set the BoxData's that support us.""" self.supports = supports
[docs] def set_hats(self, hats: set["BoxData"]) -> None: """Set the BoxData's that we support.""" self.hats = hats
[docs] def recursive_fall(self, already_falling: set["BoxData"]) -> set["BoxData"]: """Returns all boxes above us that fall if we fall.""" to_process: list[BoxData] = [] # items that will fall if this brick is removed result: set["BoxData"] = set() for hat in self.hats.difference(already_falling): remaining_supports = hat.supports.difference(already_falling) # if no children support this parent if len(remaining_supports) == 0: result.add(hat) already_falling.add(hat) to_process.append(hat) # for each parent that falls for node in to_process: # recursively call chain_remove on this parent result.update(node.recursive_fall(already_falling)) return result
[docs] class Matrix: """3d matrix.""" # z, x, y layers: list[list[list[Optional[BoxData]]]] def __init__(self, z_height: int = 400, xy: int = 10): """Initialize based on size.""" self.layers = [] for _ in range(z_height): layer: list[list[Optional[BoxData]]] = [ [None for _ in range(xy)] for _ in range(xy) ] self.layers.append(layer)
[docs] def can_fall_down(self, box: BoxData) -> bool: """Whether a given box can fall downwards. Args: box (BoxData): box to test Returns: bool: True if the box can fall. """ if box.z_val_bot == 1: return False for x in range(box.start_pos.x, box.end_pos.x + 1): for y in range(box.start_pos.y, box.end_pos.y + 1): if self.layers[box.z_val_bot - 1][x][y] is not None: return False return True
[docs] def register_box(self, box: BoxData) -> None: """Register box into matrix.""" for z in range(box.start_pos.z, box.end_pos.z + 1): for x in range(box.start_pos.x, box.end_pos.x + 1): for y in range(box.start_pos.y, box.end_pos.y + 1): if self.layers[z][x][y] is not None: raise AssertionError("Overlap should not occur") self.layers[z][x][y] = box
[docs] def get_supports(self, box: BoxData) -> set[BoxData]: """Return which boxes are supporting this box.""" if box.z_val_bot == 1: return set() supports: set[BoxData] = set() for x in range(box.start_pos.x, box.end_pos.x + 1): for y in range(box.start_pos.y, box.end_pos.y + 1): value = self.layers[box.z_val_bot - 1][x][y] if value is not None: supports.add(value) return supports
[docs] def get_hats(self, box: BoxData) -> set[BoxData]: """Return which boxes are resting on this box.""" hats: set[BoxData] = set() # list of items we're supporting for x in range(box.start_pos.x, box.end_pos.x + 1): for y in range(box.start_pos.y, box.end_pos.y + 1): value = self.layers[box.z_val_top + 1][x][y] if value is not None: hats.add(value) return hats
[docs] def can_fly_up(self, box: BoxData) -> bool: """Check cells above our block. If they're clear we can fly up.""" # all our "hats" need to have > 1 supports hats = list(box.hats) return all(len(hat.supports) > 1 for hat in hats)