Source code for day21.lib.classes

"""classes for day21."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional

from colorama import Back

[docs] @dataclass(unsafe_hash=True) class Position: """Simple 2d vector. It implements an unsafe hash since PositionDist inherits from this. """ row: int col: int def __str__(self) -> str: """Prettyprint position.""" return f"{self.row}, {self.col}"
[docs] @dataclass(kw_only=True) class PositionDist(Position): """Position + distance.""" distance: int def __str__(self) -> str: """Pretty-print.""" return f"{self.row}, {self.col}, d={self.distance}"
[docs] def replace( self, row: Optional[int] = None, col: Optional[int] = None, distance: Optional[int] = None, ) -> "PositionDist": """Return a copy with given args changed. Distance will +1 if not supplied """ row = row if row is not None else self.row col = col if col is not None else self.col distance = distance if distance is not None else self.distance + 1 return PositionDist(row, col, distance=distance)
[docs] class Maze: """2d grid of items.""" grid: list[str] num_rows: int num_cols: int def __init__(self, data: list[str]) -> None: """Constructs maze from list of strings.""" self.grid = data self.num_rows = len(data) self.num_cols = len(data[0]) def __str__(self) -> str: """Pretty-print.""" return "\n".join(row for row in self.grid) def __getitem__(self, position: Position) -> Optional[str]: """Get item via position. Always wraps.""" if not isinstance(position, Position): raise AssertionError(f"position is not a Position, {type(position)}") row = position.row % self.num_rows col = position.col % self.num_cols return self.grid[row][col]
[docs] class BaseDistanceMaze(ABC): """Abstract distance maze."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def overlay(self, maze: Maze) -> str: """Overlays on top of a maze.""" raise AssertionError("Not implemented")
[docs] @abstractmethod def calc_steps(self, remainder: int) -> int: """Calculate steps. Matches remainder == 1 or remainder == 0 When modulo'ing by 2 """
@abstractmethod def __setitem__(self, position: Position, value: int) -> None: """Sets the 2d arrays value based on a position.""" @abstractmethod def __getitem__(self, position: Position) -> Optional[int]: """Get the integer distance based on position."""
[docs] class DistanceMaze(BaseDistanceMaze): """Distance Maze == Maze.size.""" grid: list[list[int]] num_rows: int num_cols: int def __init__(self, num_rows: int, num_cols: int) -> None: """Creates empty distance maze.""" self.num_rows = num_rows self.num_cols = num_cols self.grid = [[-1 for _ in range(num_cols)] for _ in range(num_rows)] def __setitem__(self, position: Position, value: int) -> None: """Sets item at given position. Silently fails if out of bounds.""" if not isinstance(position, Position): raise AssertionError(f"position is not a Position, {type(position)}") if self.is_oob(position): return self.grid[position.row][position.col] = value def __getitem__(self, position: Position) -> Optional[int]: """Get item via position. Returns None if out of bounds.""" if not isinstance(position, Position): raise AssertionError(f"position is not a Position, {type(position)}") if self.is_oob(position): return None return self.grid[position.row][position.col] def __str__(self) -> str: """Prettyprint distance maze.""" return "\n".join( "".join(self.int_to_str(col) for col in row) for row in self.grid )
[docs] def is_oob(self, position: Position) -> bool: """True if position is out of bounds.""" return ( position.row < 0 or position.row >= self.num_rows or position.col < 0 or position.col >= self.num_cols )
[docs] def int_to_str(self, value: int) -> str: """Convert integert to string.""" if value == -1: return "_" return str(value)[-1]
[docs] def calc_steps(self, remainder: int) -> int: """Calculate steps, based on odd/even steps.""" def is_valid(val: int) -> bool: return val % 2 == remainder and val >= 0 result = 0 for row in self.grid: result += sum(1 if is_valid(item) else 0 for item in row) return result
[docs] def overlay(self, maze: Maze) -> str: """Overlay this distance_maze on a maze.""" new_strings: list[str] = [] base_str: str = str(self) is_complete = self.is_complete() for row, line in enumerate(base_str.split("\n")): other_str = maze.grid[row] my_str = "" for col, value in enumerate(line): if is_complete and self.centre_cell(row, col): if value in "02468": my_str += Back.GREEN + value + Back.BLACK else: my_str += Back.RED + value + Back.BLACK elif value == "_": my_str += other_str[col] else: my_str += value new_strings.append(my_str) return "\n".join(new_strings)
[docs] def centre_cell(self, row: int, col: int) -> bool: """Returns true if coordinate is the centre cell of the maze.""" return row == self.num_rows // 2 and col == self.num_cols // 2
[docs] def is_complete(self) -> bool: """Returns true if all cells are filled.""" return ( self.grid[0][0] != -1 and self.grid[0][-1] != -1 and self.grid[-1][0] != -1 and self.grid[-1][-1] != -1 )
[docs] class DistanceMazes(BaseDistanceMaze): """An array of distance mazes, able to extend infinitely.""" grid: dict[Position, DistanceMaze] rows_per_maze: int cols_per_maze: int def __init__(self, num_rows: int, num_cols: int): """Initializes a growable 2d array of mazes.""" self.rows_per_maze = num_rows self.cols_per_maze = num_cols self.grid = defaultdict(lambda: DistanceMaze(num_rows, num_cols))
[docs] def get_big_grid(self, position: Position) -> DistanceMaze: """Big grid coordinate.""" return self.grid[position]
def __getitem__(self, position: Position) -> int: """Global coordinate 0 .. ± infinity.""" big_pos, sub_pos = self.get_split_pos(position) result = self.grid[big_pos][sub_pos] if result is None: raise AssertionError("Unexpected result, None") return result def __setitem__(self, position: Position, value: int) -> None: """Sets a position's value.""" if not isinstance(position, Position): raise AssertionError(f"position is not a Position, {type(position)}") big_pos, sub_pos = self.get_split_pos(position) self.grid[big_pos][sub_pos] = value
[docs] def get_split_pos(self, position: Position) -> tuple[Position, Position]: """Split global position. Into big map and small map positions. Args: position (Position): global position Returns: tuple[Position, Position]: big coord, small coord """ big_grid_row: int = position.row // self.rows_per_maze big_grid_col: int = position.col // self.cols_per_maze sub_grid_row: int = position.row % self.rows_per_maze sub_grid_col: int = position.col % self.cols_per_maze big_pos = Position(big_grid_row, big_grid_col) sub_pos = Position(sub_grid_row, sub_grid_col) return big_pos, sub_pos
[docs] def overlay(self, maze: Maze) -> str: """Overlay our gigamap onto a maze.""" coords = list(self.grid.keys()) rows = sorted([coord.row for coord in coords]) cols = sorted([coord.col for coord in coords]) if len(rows) == 0: raise AssertionError("grid has no subgrids!") else: min_row, max_row = rows[0], rows[-1] min_col, max_col = cols[0], cols[-1] result = "" for big_row in range(min_row, max_row + 1): grids = [] for big_col in range(min_col, max_col + 1): sub_grid: DistanceMaze = self.grid[Position(big_row, big_col)] grids.append(sub_grid.overlay(maze)) grid_splits = [grid.split("\n") for grid in grids] row_lines = "\n".join(" ".join(lines) for lines in zip(*grid_splits)) result += row_lines result += "\n\n" return result
[docs] def calc_steps(self, remainder: int) -> int: """Calculate steps given parity.""" distance_mazes = self.grid.values() result = sum(sub_grid.calc_steps(remainder) for sub_grid in distance_mazes) return result
[docs] class GiantNodeType(Enum): """A bunch of giant node types. turn each "maze" into a node type. assume parity == EVEN e.g. 9 x 9 maze matrix mazes_center_to_bottom == 9 //2 == 4 BIG -> mazes_center_to_bottom - 1 == 3 SMALL -> mazes_center_to_bottom == 4 FULL_EVEN -> (mazes_center_to_bottom-1) ^2 == 9 FULL_ODD -> mazes_center_to_bottom^2 == 16 """ FULL_EVEN = 0 # same as start tile FULL_ODD = 1 # 1 away from start tile NORTH_TIP = 2 NORTH_EAST_BIG = 3 NORTH_EAST_SMALL = 4 EAST_TIP = 5 SOUTH_EAST_BIG = 6 SOUTH_EAST_SMALL = 7 SOUTH_TIP = 8 SOUTH_WEST_BIG = 9 SOUTH_WEST_SMALL = 10 WEST_TIP = 11 NORTH_WEST_BIG = 12 NORTH_WEST_SMALL = 13
[docs] class GiantNodeParser: """Convert from mazes to giant nodes.""" distance_mazes: DistanceMazes full_edge_dist: int edge_dist: int def __init__(self, distance_mazes: DistanceMazes, nodes_to_edge: int) -> None: """Initialize Parser. e.g. 5x5, with steps == 10+2 nodes_to_edge == 2 5x5, steps == 15+2 nodes_to_edge == 3 """ if nodes_to_edge < 3: raise ValueError("this shit only works with at least 3 bignodes!") self.distance_mazes = distance_mazes self.full_edge_dist = nodes_to_edge # edge dist of mega map self.edge_dist = max(pos.row for pos in distance_mazes.grid) print("nodes_to_edge", nodes_to_edge) print("calculated_nodes_to_edge", self.edge_dist)
[docs] def get_node(self, node_type: GiantNodeType) -> DistanceMaze: # noqa: C901 """Returns a giant node given its type.""" if node_type == GiantNodeType.FULL_EVEN: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(0, 0)) elif node_type == GiantNodeType.FULL_ODD: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(0, 1)) elif node_type == GiantNodeType.NORTH_TIP: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(-self.edge_dist, 0)) elif node_type == GiantNodeType.NORTH_EAST_BIG: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(-self.edge_dist + 1, 1)) elif node_type == GiantNodeType.NORTH_EAST_SMALL: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(-self.edge_dist, 1)) elif node_type == GiantNodeType.EAST_TIP: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(0, self.edge_dist)) elif node_type == GiantNodeType.SOUTH_EAST_BIG: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(1, self.edge_dist - 1)) elif node_type == GiantNodeType.SOUTH_EAST_SMALL: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(1, self.edge_dist)) elif node_type == GiantNodeType.SOUTH_TIP: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(self.edge_dist, 0)) elif node_type == GiantNodeType.SOUTH_WEST_BIG: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(self.edge_dist - 1, -1)) elif node_type == GiantNodeType.SOUTH_WEST_SMALL: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(self.edge_dist, -1)) elif node_type == GiantNodeType.WEST_TIP: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(0, -self.edge_dist)) elif node_type == GiantNodeType.NORTH_WEST_BIG: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(-1, -self.edge_dist + 1)) elif node_type == GiantNodeType.NORTH_WEST_SMALL: return self.distance_mazes.get_big_grid(Position(-1, -self.edge_dist)) raise AssertionError(f"Unknown node_type: {node_type}")
[docs] def get_node_count(self, node_type: GiantNodeType) -> int: """Returns how many of the giant node are required.""" remainder = self.full_edge_dist % 2 if node_type == GiantNodeType.FULL_EVEN: if remainder == 0: return (self.full_edge_dist - 1) * (self.full_edge_dist - 1) else: # odd_parity return self.full_edge_dist * self.full_edge_dist elif node_type == GiantNodeType.FULL_ODD: if remainder == 0: return self.full_edge_dist * self.full_edge_dist else: # odd_parity return (self.full_edge_dist - 1) * (self.full_edge_dist - 1) elif node_type in [ GiantNodeType.NORTH_TIP, GiantNodeType.EAST_TIP, GiantNodeType.WEST_TIP, GiantNodeType.SOUTH_TIP, ]: return 1 elif node_type in [ GiantNodeType.NORTH_EAST_BIG, GiantNodeType.NORTH_WEST_BIG, GiantNodeType.SOUTH_EAST_BIG, GiantNodeType.SOUTH_WEST_BIG, ]: return self.full_edge_dist - 1 elif node_type in [ GiantNodeType.NORTH_EAST_SMALL, GiantNodeType.NORTH_WEST_SMALL, GiantNodeType.SOUTH_EAST_SMALL, GiantNodeType.SOUTH_WEST_SMALL, ]: return self.full_edge_dist raise AssertionError(f"Unknown node type: {node_type}")