Source code for day21.day21

"""day21 solution."""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from queue import Queue
from typing import Optional

from day21.lib.classes import (
from day21.lib.parsers import parse_maze

# first calculate minimum distance for every tile
# everything that is even, is a winner for 64
# there is no way to even get back onto an odd number. i am genius
# calculate if there is a cycle that lands on itself in an odd number of steps
# same for every tile i guess. DP weird champ

FILE_SMALL = "day21/input-small.txt"
FILE_MAIN = "day21/input.txt"

GIGA_TARGET = 26_501_365  # even parity

[docs] def mini_solve( start_pos: Position, maze: Maze, steps: int, distances: BaseDistanceMaze ) -> BaseDistanceMaze: """Given a BaseDistanceMaze, runs `steps` steps then returns the maze.""" nodes: Queue[PositionDist] = Queue() nodes.put(PositionDist(start_pos.row, start_pos.col, distance=0)) distance_reached: bool = False while not nodes.empty() and not distance_reached: pos: PositionDist = nodes.get() if pos.distance >= steps + 1: distance_reached = True continue # expand distance: Optional[int] = distances[pos] maze_node: Optional[str] = maze[pos] if distance is None: # oob continue if distance != -1: # already explored continue if maze_node == "#": # hitting a wall continue # undiscovered! distances[pos] = pos.distance south = pos.replace(row=pos.row + 1) north = pos.replace(row=pos.row - 1) east = pos.replace(col=pos.col + 1) west = pos.replace(col=pos.col - 1) for direction in [north, south, east, west]: nodes.put(direction) return distances
[docs] @dataclass class SmartSteps: """How many boards to edge of solution, and steps to simulate.""" boards_to_edge: int steps: int
[docs] def naive_solve( start_pos: Position, maze: Maze, steps: int, distances: BaseDistanceMaze ) -> int: """Naively solve a maze.""" distances = mini_solve(start_pos, maze, steps, distances) print(distances.overlay(maze)) return distances.calc_steps(steps % 2)
[docs] def calculate_smart_steps(board_size: int, steps: int) -> SmartSteps: """Given a board size and num steps, calculate how many steps we actually need.""" steps_remaining = steps % board_size if steps_remaining != board_size // 2: raise ValueError("big mode only supported for steps_remaining == maze_rows//2") boards_to_edge = steps // board_size print("boards_to_edge", boards_to_edge) if boards_to_edge % 2 == 0: sim_steps = board_size * 2 + steps_remaining else: sim_steps = board_size * 3 + steps_remaining return SmartSteps(boards_to_edge, sim_steps)
# FILE_MAIN is 131 x 131. # This means we need 130 steps(?) to hit the corners, # and 131 to get to next centre
[docs] def solve( start_pos: Position, maze: Maze, steps: int, unlimited_map: bool = False, brute_force: bool = False, # for > 3 boards wide, use smart algo ) -> int: """Solve the maze. Args: start_pos (Position): start position maze (Maze): maze to solve steps (int): number of steps unlimited_map (bool, optional): whether the map is infinite (Default=False) brute_force (bool, optional): Whether to brute force. (Defaults=False). Returns: int: number of valid positions. """ distances: BaseDistanceMaze if unlimited_map: distances = DistanceMazes(maze.num_rows, maze.num_cols) else: # small distances = DistanceMaze(maze.num_rows, maze.num_cols) # if we are small, or havent got smart_solve enabled, brute force it. if not unlimited_map or (unlimited_map and brute_force): return naive_solve(start_pos, maze, steps, distances) smart_steps: SmartSteps = calculate_smart_steps(maze.num_rows, steps) distances = mini_solve(start_pos, maze, smart_steps.steps, distances) if maze.num_cols <= 5: distances.overlay(maze) if not isinstance(distances, DistanceMazes): raise AssertionError("ya done goof here") giant_parser = GiantNodeParser(distances, smart_steps.boards_to_edge) remainder = steps % 2 result = 0 for node_type in GiantNodeType: node = giant_parser.get_node(node_type) node_steps = node.calc_steps(remainder) node_count = giant_parser.get_node_count(node_type) node_type_steps = node_steps * node_count print(f"{}, count: {node_count}, steps: {node_steps}") result += node_type_steps return result
[docs] def main() -> None: """Load data then solve part1/part2.""" start_pos, maze = parse_maze(FILE) # part1 print(solve(start_pos, maze, 64)) # part2 print(solve(start_pos, maze, GIGA_TARGET, True, False))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()