Source code for day20.lib.classes

"""Classes for day20."""
import itertools
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Flag

from graphviz import Digraph

[docs] class Pulse(Flag): """Simple True/False enum.""" LOW = False HIGH = True def __str__(self) -> str: """Custom str to show ``low`` and ``high``.""" if is not None: return raise AssertionError("no valid value for this Pulse")
[docs] @dataclass class MappingModule: """map to a list of outputs.""" name: str outputs: list[str]
[docs] @dataclass class PulseTarget: """A pulse(low/high) from src to dest.""" pulse: Pulse src: str target: str def __str__(self) -> str: """Custom arrow string to match problem description.""" return f"{self.src} -{self.pulse}-> {}"
[docs] @dataclass class BaseModule(ABC): """Abstract base module.""" name: str outputs: list[str] = field(repr=False) num_low: int = field(init=False, default=0) num_high: int = field(init=False, default=0) def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Stop users from constructing BaseModule.""" if self.__class__ == BaseModule: raise AssertionError("Cannot instantiate abstract class")
[docs] def arrow_color(self) -> str: """Return arrow color for graphviz.""" return "#000000"
[docs] def handle_pulse(self, input: str, pulse: Pulse) -> list[PulseTarget]: """Keep track of lows/highs through all modules.""" if pulse == Pulse.LOW: self.num_low += 1 else: self.num_high += 1 return []
[docs] def add_to_graph(self, dot: Digraph) -> None: """Adds edges only to the graph. inheritors need to handle their repr.""" attrs = {"color": self.arrow_color()} for output in self.outputs: dot.edge(, output, **attrs)
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_initial_state(self) -> bool: """Returns if the module is in the initial state.""" raise AssertionError("Implement me")
[docs] @dataclass class FlipFlopModule(BaseModule): """If we receive HIGH, we are a sink (do nothing). If we receive LOW, flip our current value and send it to everyone """ state: Pulse = Pulse.LOW
[docs] def handle_pulse(self, input: str, pulse: Pulse) -> list[PulseTarget]: """Handle pulse by forwarding if we receive low.""" super().handle_pulse(input, pulse) if pulse: return [] # if we receive low, become the opposite and send it. # if we receive high, do ont send, do not modify state. self.state = Pulse(not self.state) return [PulseTarget(self.state,, target) for target in self.outputs]
[docs] def add_to_graph(self, dot: Digraph) -> None: """Adds ourselves to a graphviz digraph.""" attrs = {"shape": "box", "style": "filled"} if self.state == Pulse.LOW: attrs["fillcolor"] = "#FF0000" else: attrs["fillcolor"] = "#0000FF" dot.node(, **attrs) super().add_to_graph(dot)
[docs] def is_initial_state(self) -> bool: """Returns true if we are in our initial state.""" return self.state == Pulse.LOW
[docs] @dataclass class ConjunctionModule(BaseModule): """Keeps track of all inputs. Changes internal state, then sends high/low based on internal state """ inputs: dict[str, Pulse] = field(init=False, repr=False)
[docs] def arrow_color(self) -> str: """Returns red.""" return "#FF0000"
[docs] def set_inputs(self, inputs: list[str]) -> None: """Sets our list of input modules. Initializes their values to Low. """ self.inputs = {input_name: Pulse.LOW for input_name in inputs}
[docs] def handle_pulse(self, input: str, pulse: Pulse) -> list[PulseTarget]: """Store pulse, then send based on current state. If all our values are high, we send low to all our outputs. Otherwise, we send ``LOW`` to all our outputs. """ super().handle_pulse(input, pulse) self.inputs[input] = pulse if all(self.inputs.values()): return [ PulseTarget(Pulse.LOW,, target) for target in self.outputs ] return [PulseTarget(Pulse.HIGH,, target) for target in self.outputs]
[docs] def add_to_graph(self, dot: Digraph) -> None: """Add this module to a GraphViz Digraph.""" count = self.current_count() length = len(list(self.inputs.values())) label = f"{} {count}/{length}" dot.node(, label=label) super().add_to_graph(dot)
[docs] def current_count(self) -> int: """Returns current count of inputs that sent ``high``.""" return list(self.inputs.values()).count(Pulse.HIGH)
[docs] def is_initial_state(self) -> bool: """Returns True if all our inputs are LOW.""" return self.current_count() == 0
[docs] @dataclass class BroadcastModule(BaseModule): """Broadcasts to all outputs."""
[docs] def handle_pulse(self, input: str, pulse: Pulse) -> list[PulseTarget]: """Broadcasts to all outputs immediately.""" super().handle_pulse(input, pulse) return [PulseTarget(pulse,, target) for target in self.outputs]
[docs] def add_to_graph(self, dot: Digraph) -> None: """Add node to graphviz digraph.""" dot.node( super().add_to_graph(dot)
[docs] def is_initial_state(self) -> bool: """Always true.""" return True
[docs] @dataclass class SinkModule(BaseModule): """Sink module, gets something but sends it no where else."""
[docs] def handle_pulse(self, input: str, pulse: Pulse) -> list[PulseTarget]: """Always eats inputs and never sends onwards.""" super().handle_pulse(input, pulse) return []
[docs] def add_to_graph(self, dot: Digraph) -> None: """Adds this node to the graph.""" dot.node( super().add_to_graph(dot)
[docs] def is_initial_state(self) -> bool: """Always true.""" return True
[docs] @dataclass class ModuleGroups: """A group of modules for part2.""" head: BroadcastModule loops: list[list[BaseModule]] loop_tails: list[ConjunctionModule] penultimate: ConjunctionModule sink: SinkModule all_nodes: list[BaseModule] = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Sets up our ``all_nodes`` property.""" all_nodes: list[BaseModule] = [] all_nodes.append(self.head) all_nodes.extend(list(itertools.chain(*self.loops))) all_nodes.extend(self.loop_tails) all_nodes.append(self.penultimate) all_nodes.append(self.sink) self.all_nodes = all_nodes
[docs] @dataclass class LoopCounter: """Keeps track of loop lengths.""" target_loop_count: int = field(repr=False) loop_lengths: dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict, init=False) @property def num_results(self) -> int: """Returns number of loop_lenghts submitted.""" return len(self.loop_lengths) @property def finished(self) -> bool: """Returns True if our loop_lengths are equal to our target.""" return self.num_results == self.target_loop_count
[docs] def add_result(self, loop_name: str, value: int) -> None: """Adds a result to our loop_count. If we already had a loop with that name, we ignore it. """ if loop_name not in self.loop_lengths: self.loop_lengths[loop_name] = value