Source code for day19.lib.parsers

"""functions to create classes from pure text."""

from day19.lib.classes import Comparator, Component, Condition, Part, Rule, Workflow

[docs] def parse_part_string(part_string: str) -> Part: r"""Returns a part from a string representation. e.g. ``{x=787,m=2655,a=1222,s=2876}\n`` """ part_string = part_string.strip() part_string = part_string[1:-1] # Remove curly braces and split the string into key-value pairs key_value_pairs = part_string.split(",") # Create a dictionary from the key-value pairs part_dict = {} for pair in key_value_pairs: key, value = pair.split("=") part_dict[key.strip()] = int(value) # Create a Part instance using the dictionary return Part(**part_dict)
[docs] def parse_workflow_string(workflow_string: str) -> Workflow: r"""Returns a workflow from a string representation. e.g. ``px{a<2006:qkq,m>2090:A,rfg}\n`` """ workflow_string = workflow_string.strip() rule_start = workflow_string.index("{") name = workflow_string[:rule_start] rules_str = workflow_string[rule_start + 1 : -1] rule_strs = rules_str.split(",") rules: list[Rule] = [parse_rule_string(rule_str) for rule_str in rule_strs] return Workflow(name, rules)
[docs] def parse_rule_string(rule_string: str) -> Rule: """e.g. ``a<2006:qkq`` or ``rfg``.""" dest_split = rule_string.split(":") if len(dest_split) == 1: return Rule(dest_split[0]) else: condition = parse_condition_string(dest_split[0]) return Rule(dest_split[1], condition)
[docs] def parse_condition_string(cond_string: str) -> Condition: """e.g. ``a<2006``.""" component = Component(cond_string[0]) operator = Comparator(cond_string[1]) value = int(cond_string[2:]) return Condition(component, operator, value)