Source code for day18.day18b

"""Day18b solution."""
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import IntEnum

INPUT = "day18/input.txt"
INPUT_SMALL = "day18/input-small.txt"

[docs] @dataclass class Position: """Simple 2d vector.""" row: int = 0 col: int = 0
[docs] class Direction(IntEnum): """Direction as an integer enum.""" Right = 0 Down = 1 Left = 2 Up = 3
[docs] @dataclass(init=False) class Command: """Command from hexstring.""" direction: Direction steps: int def __init__(self, hexcode: str): """Converts from hexcode to well formed direction+steps.""" self.steps = int(hexcode[:5], 16) self.direction = Direction(int(hexcode[-1]))
[docs] def get_input(path: str) -> list[Command]: """Grabs input from file, parsing into well-formed commands.""" commands = [] with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as file: for line in file: hexcode = line.strip().split()[2] instruction = Command(hexcode[2:-1]) commands.append(instruction) return commands
[docs] def process_command(command: Command, position: Position) -> Position: """Process a command and return new position.""" if command.direction == Direction.Right: return Position(position.row, position.col + command.steps) if command.direction == Direction.Down: return Position(position.row + command.steps, position.col) if command.direction == Direction.Left: return Position(position.row, position.col - command.steps) if command.direction == Direction.Up: return Position(position.row - command.steps, position.col) raise AssertionError(f"unsupported directoin {command.direction}")
[docs] def calculate_area(positions: list[Position], perimeter: int) -> int: """Calculate area using shoelace area.""" # total_area = shoelace_area + (perimeter_length // 2) + 1 # shoelace assumes that each point is in centre, but each # perimeter tile is only "half" counted n = len(positions) # of corners area = 0 for i in range(n): j = (i + 1) % n area += positions[i].row * positions[j].col area -= positions[j].row * positions[i].col area = abs(area) // 2 return area + (perimeter // 2) + 1
[docs] def get_solution(commands: list[Command]) -> int: """Get solution via processing commands then running shoelace area.""" positions: list[Position] = [] position = Position() for command in commands: position = process_command(command, position) positions.append(position) perimeter = sum(command.steps for command in commands) return calculate_area(positions, perimeter)
[docs] def main() -> None: """Grab input and then pass it into solver.""" commands: list[Command] = get_input(INPUT) print(get_solution(commands))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()