Source code for day17.lib.classes

"""classes for day 17."""
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from queue import PriorityQueue
from typing import Optional

from day17.lib.direction import ALL_DIRECTIONS, Direction

[docs] @dataclass(order=True, frozen=True) class Step: """Represents one "step", which could be a multi-step.""" total_cost: int row: int col: int direction: Direction consecutive_steps: int src_step: Optional["Step"] = field(repr=False, hash=False)
[docs] class TileCache: """A cache of shortest routes to a tile from each direction.""" cache: dict[Direction, list[Step | None]] cache_min: int # min steps in direction cache_max: int # max steps in direction def __init__(self, cache_min: int, cache_max: int): """Initialize the tile with an empty entry from each direction.""" cache_length = cache_max - cache_min + 1 self.cache = {key: [None] * cache_length for key in ALL_DIRECTIONS} self.cache_min = cache_min self.cache_max = cache_max def __getitem__(self, dir_steps: tuple[Direction, int]) -> Step | None: """Lookup our cache based on how many steps in one direction we took to get here.""" direction, steps = dir_steps return self.cache[direction][steps - self.cache_min] def __setitem__(self, dir_steps: tuple[Direction, int], item: Step) -> None: """Set steps based on how many steps in one direction we took to get here.""" direction, steps = dir_steps self.cache[direction][steps - self.cache_min] = item
[docs] class SolutionCache: """2d array of tilecaches.""" cache: list[list[TileCache]] def __init__(self, num_rows: int, num_cols: int, cache_min: int, cache_max: int): """Generate empty tile cache.""" self.cache = [ [TileCache(cache_min, cache_max) for _ in range(num_cols)] for _ in range(num_rows) ]
[docs] def add_solution(self, step: Step) -> bool: """Adds solution to cache returns whether an improvement was made.""" tile_cache = self.cache[step.row][step.col] existing_item = tile_cache[step.direction, step.consecutive_steps] if existing_item is None: tile_cache[step.direction, step.consecutive_steps] = step return True # due to the way that we run in BFS, we shouldn't be getting # into this branch if step.total_cost < existing_item.total_cost: raise AssertionError("this shouldn't be possible") # tile_cache[step.direction, step.consecutive_steps] = step # return True return False
[docs] @dataclass class WorldPart1: """World for part1.""" costs: list[list[int]] num_rows: int = field(init=False) num_cols: int = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Post initialize cached properties.""" self.num_rows = len(self.costs) self.num_cols = len(self.costs[0]) def __getitem__(self, row_col: tuple[int, int]) -> int | None: """Returns cost at given row/col.""" row, col = row_col if self.is_oob(row, col): return None return self.costs[row][col]
[docs] def create_step(self, step: Step, direction: Direction) -> Step | None: """Create step from previous step and a given direction. Returns None if the step is invalid or suboptimal """ row, col = direction.offset(step.row, step.col) if (cost := self[row, col]) is None: return None if direction == step.direction.opposite(): return None if direction == step.direction: consecutive = step.consecutive_steps + 1 if consecutive > 3: return None else: consecutive = 1 return Step(step.total_cost + cost, row, col, direction, consecutive, step)
[docs] def solve(self) -> Step: """Solve using dynamic programming. Returns final step which contains src steps; so we have the entire path """ # we need to do this via DP solution_cache = SolutionCache(self.num_rows, self.num_cols, 1, 3) step: Step = Step(0, 0, 0, Direction.NORTH, 0, None) steps_to_explore: PriorityQueue[Step] = PriorityQueue() steps_to_explore.put(step) while not steps_to_explore.empty(): step = steps_to_explore.get() if step.row == self.num_rows - 1 and step.col == self.num_cols - 1: return step # result! if not solution_cache.add_solution(step): continue for direction in ALL_DIRECTIONS: if (new_step := self.create_step(step, direction)) is not None: steps_to_explore.put(new_step) raise AssertionError("No solution found!")
[docs] def is_oob(self, row: int, col: int) -> bool: """Returns if we are out of bounds. Args: row (int): row to check col (int): col to check Returns: bool: if we are out of bounds. """ return row < 0 or row >= self.num_rows or col < 0 or col >= self.num_cols
[docs] class WorldPart2(WorldPart1): """Extension of part1 with a few overrides."""
[docs] def create_step(self, step: Step, direction: Direction) -> Step | None: """Create step from previous step and a given direction.""" if direction == step.direction.opposite(): return None if direction == step.direction: row, col = direction.offset(step.row, step.col) cost = self[row, col] if cost is None: return None consecutive = step.consecutive_steps + 1 if consecutive > 10: return None return Step(step.total_cost + cost, row, col, direction, consecutive, step) else: consecutive = 4 row_cols = direction.offset_list(step.row, step.col) multi_cost = 0 for row_col in row_cols: row, col = row_col cost = self[row, col] if cost is None: return None multi_cost += cost return Step( step.total_cost + multi_cost, row, col, direction, consecutive, step )
[docs] def solve(self) -> Step: """Solve using DP. Returns final step which contains src steps; so we have the entire path """ # we need to do this via DP solution_cache = SolutionCache(self.num_rows, self.num_cols, 4, 10) step: Step = Step(0, 0, 0, Direction.NORTH, 0, None) steps_to_explore: PriorityQueue[Step] = PriorityQueue() steps_to_explore.put(step) while not steps_to_explore.empty(): step = steps_to_explore.get() if step.row == self.num_rows - 1 and step.col == self.num_cols - 1: return step # result! if not solution_cache.add_solution(step): continue for direction in ALL_DIRECTIONS: if (new_step := self.create_step(step, direction)) is not None: steps_to_explore.put(new_step) raise AssertionError("No solution found!")