Source code for day16.lib.cells

"""Cell classes."""
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, Dict, Type, TypeVar

from day16.lib.direction import Direction
from day16.lib.laser import Laser

[docs] class Cell(ABC): """Abstract cell class.""" contents: str # each cell can register itself to us CELL_TYPES: Dict[str, Type["Cell"]] = {} def __init__(self, contents: str): """Default constructor, sets our contents.""" self.contents = contents
[docs] @staticmethod def register_cell_type( cell_contents: str, ) -> Callable[[type["Cell"]], type["Cell"]]: """Registers a cell type to this factory.""" def decorator(cls: Type["Cell"]) -> Type["Cell"]: Cell.CELL_TYPES[cell_contents] = cls return cls return decorator
[docs] @staticmethod def construct(contents: str) -> "Cell": """Construct proper cell from given contents.""" try: return Cell.CELL_TYPES[contents](contents) except KeyError: raise AssertionError(f"unrecognized content {contents}")
[docs] @abstractmethod def next_lasers(self, laser: Laser) -> list[Laser]: """Return next lasers given a laser entering this cell.""" raise AssertionError("Not supported", laser)
[docs] @Cell.register_cell_type(".") class DotCell(Cell): """A dot cell."""
[docs] def next_lasers(self, laser: Laser) -> list[Laser]: """Lasers pass directly through this tile.""" row, col = laser.direction.offset(laser.row, laser.col) return [Laser(row, col, laser.direction)]
[docs] @Cell.register_cell_type("-") class DashCell(Cell): """A ``-`` cell."""
[docs] def next_lasers(self, laser: Laser) -> list[Laser]: """Lasers must end up going east/west after passing through this cell.""" if laser.direction in [Direction.EAST, Direction.WEST]: row, col = laser.direction.offset(laser.row, laser.col) return [Laser(row, col, laser.direction)] elif laser.direction in [Direction.NORTH, Direction.SOUTH]: row, col = laser.row, laser.col return [ Laser(row, col + 1, Direction.EAST), Laser(row, col - 1, Direction.WEST), ] raise AssertionError(f"Unknown direction {laser.direction}")
[docs] @Cell.register_cell_type("|") class PipeCell(Cell): """A ``|`` cell."""
[docs] def next_lasers(self, laser: Laser) -> list[Laser]: """Lasers must end up going north/south after passing through this cell.""" if laser.direction in [Direction.NORTH, Direction.SOUTH]: row, col = laser.direction.offset(laser.row, laser.col) return [Laser(row, col, laser.direction)] elif laser.direction in [Direction.EAST, Direction.WEST]: row, col = laser.row, laser.col return [ Laser(row - 1, col, Direction.NORTH), Laser(row + 1, col, Direction.SOUTH), ] raise AssertionError(f"Unknown direction {laser.direction}")
[docs] @Cell.register_cell_type("/") class ForwardSlashCell(Cell): """A ``/`` cell."""
[docs] def next_lasers(self, laser: Laser) -> list[Laser]: """Lasers go diagonal mode.""" row, col = laser.row, laser.col if laser.direction == Direction.EAST: return [Laser(row - 1, col, Direction.NORTH)] if laser.direction == Direction.NORTH: return [Laser(row, col + 1, Direction.EAST)] if laser.direction == Direction.SOUTH: return [Laser(row, col - 1, Direction.WEST)] if laser.direction == Direction.WEST: return [Laser(row + 1, col, Direction.SOUTH)] raise AssertionError(f"Unknown direction {laser.direction}")
[docs] @Cell.register_cell_type("\\") class BackSlashCell(Cell): r"""A ``\`` cell."""
[docs] def next_lasers(self, laser: Laser) -> list[Laser]: """Lasers go diagonal mode.""" row, col = laser.row, laser.col if laser.direction == Direction.EAST: return [Laser(row + 1, col, Direction.SOUTH)] if laser.direction == Direction.SOUTH: return [Laser(row, col + 1, Direction.EAST)] if laser.direction == Direction.NORTH: return [Laser(row, col - 1, Direction.WEST)] if laser.direction == Direction.WEST: return [Laser(row - 1, col, Direction.NORTH)] raise AssertionError(f"Unknown direction {laser.direction}")