Source code for day15.day15

"""Day15 solution."""
from day15.lib.classes import AddRemove, Box, Lens, Step

INPUT = "day15/input.txt"
INPUT_SMALL = "day15/input-small.txt"

[docs] def get_input(path: str) -> list[str]: """Get input into list of instructions to parse.""" with open(path) as file: data = raw_steps = data.split(",") return raw_steps
[docs] def get_string_hash(string: str) -> int: """Returns a string's ``hash``.""" value: int = 0 for char in string: value += ord(char) value *= 17 value %= 256 return value
[docs] def parse_step_pt2(raw_step: str) -> Step: """Handles as step in part 2.""" if len(splits := raw_step.split("=")) == 2: box = get_string_hash(splits[0]) strength = int(splits[1].strip()) return Step(splits[0], box, AddRemove.Add, strength) elif len(splits := raw_step.split("-")) == 2: box = get_string_hash(splits[0]) return Step(splits[0], box, AddRemove.Remove) raise AssertionError("Raw step does not contain `-` or `=`")
[docs] def process_steps_pt2(steps: list[Step]) -> int: """Process a list of steps.""" boxes: list[Box] = [Box(i) for i in range(256)] for step in steps: if step.process == AddRemove.Remove: boxes[].remove_lens(step.lens_name) else: if step.focal_length is None: raise AssertionError("focal length should not be None") lens = Lens(step.lens_name, step.focal_length) boxes[].add_lens(lens) return sum(box.calculate_power() for box in boxes)
[docs] def question1(raw_steps: list[str]) -> int: """Returns the sum of hashes for every step.""" return sum(get_string_hash(raw_step) for raw_step in raw_steps)
[docs] def question2(raw_steps: list[str]) -> int: """Process each step into "lens" boxes and return the total lens power.""" steps = [parse_step_pt2(raw_step) for raw_step in raw_steps] return process_steps_pt2(steps)
[docs] def main() -> None: """Read input and call question1/question2.""" raw_steps = get_input(INPUT) # q1 print(question1(raw_steps)) # q2 print(question2(raw_steps))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()