Source code for day14.day14

"""day14 solution."""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Optional

from day14.lib.direction import Direction

INPUT_SMALL = "day14/input-small.txt"
INPUT = "day14/input.txt"

[docs] @dataclass class World: """2d array of boulders (square/round) and empty space.""" data: Any left_is: Direction = Direction.West score: int | None = None
[docs] def rotate_world_cw(self) -> "World": """Rotate world clockwise.""" rotated = list(zip(*[::-1])) return World(rotated, self.left_is.next_direction_ccw())
[docs] def rotate_world_ccw(self) -> "World": """Rotate world anti-clockwise.""" rotated = list(zip(*[::-1] return World(rotated, self.left_is.next_direction_cw())
def __hash__(self) -> int: """Custom hash function for use with ``set()``.""" return hash(str( + ":" + str(self.left_is))
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: """Well defined string of our world.""" return "\n".join(str(row) for row in
[docs] def as_orientiented_north(self) -> str: """Well defined string if our world has up as North.""" world = self.correct_side() return world.to_string()
[docs] def get_score(self) -> int: """Get score of the world.""" world = self.correct_side() return naive_score(
[docs] def correct_side(self) -> "World": """Return world oriented with North at the top.""" world = self if world.left_is == Direction.West: return self elif world.left_is == Direction.North: return world.rotate_world_cw() elif world.left_is == Direction.East: world = world.rotate_world_cw() world = world.rotate_world_cw() return world elif world.left_is == Direction.South: return world.rotate_world_ccw() raise AssertionError(f"Unsupported Direction: {world.left_is}")
[docs] def naive_score(world_rows: list[str]) -> int: r"""Returns score assuming west is pointing left. For each row, a round boulder ``O``'s score is ``num_rows`` minus its ``index`` (higher weight to the left.) """ num_rows = len(world_rows) score = 0 for index, row in enumerate(world_rows): o_count = row.count("O") score += o_count * (num_rows - index) return score
[docs] def simulate_row(row: list[str]) -> tuple[list[str], int]: """Simulates a row; returns its value and the new row. Assumes that we are moving boulders to the left """ square_indices = [-1] + [i for i, x in enumerate(row) if x == "#"] + [len(row)] pairs = zip(square_indices, square_indices[1:]) row_score = 0 new_row = "" for start, end in pairs: sub_array = row[start + 1 : end] o_count = sub_array.count("O") start_score = len(row) - (start + 1) end_score = len(row) - start - o_count sub_array_score = int((start_score + end_score) / 2 * o_count) row_score += sub_array_score new_row += "O" * o_count new_row += "." * (end - start - o_count - 1) new_row += "#" new_row = new_row[:-1] return list(new_row), row_score
[docs] def simulate_world(world_rows: list[list[str]]) -> list[list[str]]: """Simulates world by rolling to the left.""" result = [] for world_row in world_rows: result.append(simulate_row(world_row)[0]) return result
[docs] def get_input(path: str) -> World: """Grabs input, rotated so that left is north.""" with open(path) as file: lines = [line.strip() for line in file] return World(lines)
[docs] def question1(world: World) -> int: """Returns world's score after rotating the world once.""" while world.left_is != Direction.North: world = world.rotate_world_ccw() return sum(simulate_row(row)[1] for row in
[docs] def question2(world: World) -> int: """Finds a loop in world rotation. Once the loop is found we can estimate the world's state after any amount of rotations Args: world (World): world to spin Returns: int: "weight" to the north after 1000000000 cycles. """ cache: dict[World, int] = {} cycle_results: list[World] = [] # starting state: left_is north while world.left_is != Direction.North: world = world.rotate_world_ccw() = simulate_world( cycle_index = 0 cycle_start: Optional[int] = None cycle_end: Optional[int] = None while cycle_start is None and cycle_end is None: for direction in [ Direction.North, # left_is north Direction.West, # left_is west Direction.South, # left_is south Direction.East, # left_is east ]: if direction == Direction.East: # calculate score *before* if world in cache: cycle_start = cache[world] cycle_end = cycle_index else: cache[world] = cycle_index cycle_results.append(world) world = world.rotate_world_cw() = simulate_world( world.score = world.get_score() cycle_index += 1 if cycle_end is None or cycle_start is None: raise AssertionError("cycle_end and cycle_end should not be None") cycle_length = cycle_end - cycle_start print(f"cycle length: {cycle_length}") final_target = 1000000000 target = (final_target - cycle_start - 1) % cycle_length result = cycle_results[cycle_start + target] if result.score is None: raise AssertionError("No score found!") return result.score
[docs] def main() -> None: """Get input and run question1/question2.""" world = get_input(INPUT) print(question1(world)) print(question2(world))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()