Source code for day13.day13

"""day13 solution."""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

INPUT = "day13/input.txt"
INPUT_SMALL = "day13/input-small.txt"

[docs] def distance(left: str, right: str) -> int: """Returns edit distance of two strings.""" return sum(a != b for a, b in zip(left, right))
[docs] @dataclass class Maze: """2d array of tiles.""" tiles: list[str]
[docs] def solve(self, distance: int = 0) -> int: """Solves a maze given an edit distance. ``0`` == ``Equal mirror`` ``1`` == ``smudge in mirror`` """ row_reflect = self.reflect_rows(distance) col_reflect = self.reflect_cols(distance) return self.score(row_reflect, col_reflect)
[docs] def reflect_rows(self, distance: int) -> Optional[int]: """Check a row's reflection.""" return self.check_reflection(self.tiles, distance)
[docs] def reflect_cols(self, distance: int) -> Optional[int]: """Checks reflection of cols by flipping rows/cols.""" cols: list[list[str]] = [[] for _ in range(len(self.tiles[0]))] for row in self.tiles: for col_index, col in enumerate(row): cols[col_index].append(col) cols_strs = ["".join(str(col)) for col in cols] return self.check_reflection(cols_strs, distance)
[docs] def check_reflection(self, data: list[str], target_dist: int) -> Optional[int]: """Checks a reflection on rows or cols.""" for index in range(len(data)): if index == 0: continue top_blocks = reversed(data[:index]) bottom_blocks = data[index:] pairs = zip(top_blocks, bottom_blocks) # accounts for shorter list total_diff = sum(distance(top, bottom) for top, bottom in pairs) if total_diff == target_dist: return index return None
[docs] def score(self, row_reflect: Optional[int], col_reflect: Optional[int]) -> int: """Returns score for q1.""" if col_reflect is not None: return col_reflect if row_reflect is not None: return 100 * row_reflect raise AssertionError("expected a mirror!")
[docs] def read_input(path: str) -> list[Maze]: """Read input file into well defined Mazes. Args: path (str): filename of input Returns: list[Maze]: list of well defined Mazes. """ mazes: list[Maze] = [] with open(path) as file: lines: list[str] = [] for line in file: if line.strip() == "": maze = Maze(lines) mazes.append(maze) lines = [] else: lines.append(line.strip()) maze = Maze(lines) mazes.append(maze) return mazes
[docs] def main() -> None: """Loads input then runs q1/q2.""" mazes: list[Maze] = read_input(INPUT) # q1 print(sum(maze.solve(0) for maze in mazes)) # q2 print(sum(maze.solve(distance=1) for maze in mazes))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()