Source code for day11.day11

"""day11 solution."""
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Iterator

INPUT = "day11/input.txt"
INPUT_SMALL = "day11/input-small.txt"

[docs] @dataclass class Galaxy: """Galaxy represented as its position and unique id.""" row: int col: int id: int
[docs] def distance(self, other: "Galaxy", universe: "Universe") -> int: """Return distance from one galaxy to another. Accounts for "expanded" spaces in the universe """ start_row, end_row = sorted([self.row, other.row]) start_col, end_col = sorted([self.col, other.col]) result = 0 expansion_rate = universe.expansion_rate expanded_rows = universe.row_lookup[end_row] - universe.row_lookup[start_row] unexpanded_rows = (end_row - start_row) - expanded_rows result += expanded_rows * expansion_rate + unexpanded_rows expanded_cols = universe.col_lookup[end_col] - universe.col_lookup[start_col] unexpanded_cols = (end_col - start_col) - expanded_cols result += expanded_cols * expansion_rate + unexpanded_cols return result
[docs] @dataclass class Point: """Point represented by character and whether it is expanded.""" row: int col: int item: str is_expanded: bool = field(default=False, init=False)
[docs] def get_point_distance(self, expansion_rate: int) -> int: """Returns how big this "point" is based on if its expanded.""" if self.is_expanded: return expansion_rate return 1
def __str__(self) -> str: """Show ``@`` if we're expanded, otherwise original value.""" if self.is_expanded: return "@" return self.item
[docs] @dataclass class Universe: """Universe class; 2d array of . and #.""" contents: list[list[Point]] expansion_rate: int = 2 num_rows: int = field(repr=False, init=False) num_cols: int = field(repr=False, init=False) row_lookup: list[int] = field(repr=False, init=False) col_lookup: list[int] = field(repr=False, init=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Initialize num_rows/num_cols.""" self.num_rows = len(self.contents) self.num_cols = len(self.contents[0]) def __getitem__(self, row_index: int) -> list[Point]: """Returns index into a row. We can just use ``universe[row]`` instead of ``universe.contents[row]`` """ return self.contents[row_index] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[list[Point]]: """Returns iterator over all rows. We can just use ``for row in universe`` instead of ``for row in universe.contents`` """ for row in self.contents: yield row
[docs] def expand_contents(self) -> None: """Expands the contents of the universe.""" expanded_rows = [] for row_index, row in enumerate(self.contents): if is_empty(row): for item in row: item.is_expanded = True expanded_rows.append(row_index) expanded_cols = [] col_index = 0 while col_index < len(self.contents[0]): col = [row[col_index] for row in self.contents] if is_empty(col): for item in col: item.is_expanded = True expanded_cols.append(col_index) col_index += 1 self.init_lookups(expanded_rows, expanded_cols)
[docs] def init_lookups(self, expanded_rows: list[int], expanded_cols: list[int]) -> None: """Initialize lookup tables.""" self.row_lookup = self.expanded_to_lookup(expanded_rows, self.num_rows) self.col_lookup = self.expanded_to_lookup(expanded_cols, self.num_cols)
[docs] def expanded_to_lookup(self, expanded_items: list[int], size: int) -> list[int]: """Convert from ``[3,7]``, ``10`` to ``00011112222``.""" result = [0 for _ in range(size)] last_index = 0 expanded_items.append(size) for expand_index, expanded_row in enumerate(expanded_items): for i in range(last_index, expanded_row): result[i] = expand_index last_index = expanded_row result.append(expanded_items[-1]) return result
[docs] def grab_galaxies(self) -> list[Galaxy]: """Grabs all galaxies.""" results = [] galaxy_id = 0 for index_row, row in enumerate(self.contents): for index_col, col in enumerate(row): if col.item == "#": results.append(Galaxy(index_row, index_col, galaxy_id)) galaxy_id += 1 return results
def __str__(self) -> str: """Custom string function to print this universe.""" return "\n".join("".join(str(col) for col in row) for row in self.contents)
[docs] def is_empty(items: list[Point]) -> bool: """Returns True if all the content is ``.``.""" has_content = any(x.item == "#" for x in items) return not has_content
[docs] def parse_input(path: str) -> Universe: """Parse input file and return a universe.""" with open(path, "r", encoding="utf8") as file: rows = [] for row, line in enumerate(file): line = line.strip() row_points = [Point(row, col, item) for col, item in enumerate(line)] rows.append(row_points) return Universe(rows)
[docs] def get_total_distance(galaxies: list[Galaxy], universe: Universe) -> int: """Returns total distance of all galaxies.""" result = 0 for index, galaxy in enumerate(galaxies): for galaxy2 in galaxies[index + 1 :]: distance = galaxy.distance(galaxy2, universe) result += distance return result
import time
[docs] def main() -> None: """Main function, runs q1 and q2.""" universe: Universe = parse_input(INPUT) universe.expand_contents() galaxies = universe.grab_galaxies() # q1: expansion = 2 print(get_total_distance(galaxies, universe)) # q2: expansion = 1000000 universe.expansion_rate = 1000000 print(get_total_distance(galaxies, universe))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()