Source code for day10.lib.pipes

"""Pipe class."""
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import ClassVar

from day10.lib.direction import Direction
from day10.lib.pipebounds import PipeBounds
from day10.lib.position import Position

    "|": ["│", "║", "|", "X"],
    "-": ["─", "═", "-", "X"],
    "L": ["└", "╚", "L", "X"],
    "J": ["┘", "╝", "J", "X"],
    "7": ["┐", "╗", "7", "X"],
    "F": ["┌", "╔", "F", "X"],
    ".": [".", ".", ".", "X"],
    "S": ["S", "S", "S", "S"],  # S is an "L" piece. manually done forehead

FONT = 1

[docs] @dataclass class Pipe: """The location and character representing the pipe.""" row: int col: int character: str is_start: bool = field(init=False) font: int = FONT is_loop: bool = False pipe_bounds: PipeBounds = PipeBounds.UNKNOWN PIPE_DIRECTION: ClassVar[dict[str, list[Direction]]] = { "|": [Direction.NORTH, Direction.SOUTH], "-": [Direction.WEST, Direction.EAST], "L": [Direction.NORTH, Direction.EAST], "J": [Direction.NORTH, Direction.WEST], "7": [Direction.WEST, Direction.SOUTH], "F": [Direction.SOUTH, Direction.EAST], ".": [], } def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Calculate if we are the start and update pipe_bounds if required.""" self.is_start = self.character == "S" if self.is_loop: self.pipe_bounds = PipeBounds.PIPE def __str__(self) -> str: """Return neat string representing us.""" if self.is_start: return "S" if self.is_loop: return PIPE_FONT[self.character][FONT] if self.pipe_bounds == PipeBounds.INSIDE: return "*" if self.pipe_bounds == PipeBounds.OUTSIDE: return "." return " "
[docs] def next_direction(self, prev_direction: Direction | None = None) -> Direction: """Determine next direction based on where we came from.""" mapping = self.PIPE_DIRECTION[self.character] if prev_direction == mapping[0]: return mapping[1] return mapping[0]
[docs] def next_position( self, prev_direction: Direction | None ) -> tuple[Direction, Position]: """Calculate the next position. Return where we came from if we move to next tile, and the new position Args: prev_direction (Direction | None): Where we came from Returns: tuple[Direction, Position]: Next direction and position. """ next_direction = self.next_direction(prev_direction) return next_direction.opposite(), self.position.next_position(next_direction)
@property def position(self) -> Position: """Our current position.""" return Position(self.row, self.col) def __hash__(self) -> int: # pragma: no cover """Custom hash function so we can compare pipes.""" return hash(f"{self.row},{self.col}")
[docs] @dataclass class PipeMap: """A 2d array of pipes.""" pipes: list[list[Pipe]] width: int = field(init=False, repr=False) height: int = field(init=False, repr=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Pre-store width/height.""" self.width = len(self.pipes[0]) self.height = len(self.pipes)
[docs] def get_pipe(self, position: Position) -> Pipe: """Returns a pipe given its position.""" if not self.is_in_map(position): raise ValueError(f"Position outside map {position}") return self.pipes[position.row][position.col]
[docs] def is_in_map(self, position: Position) -> bool: """Returns whether a position is in the map.""" return 0 <= position.row < self.height and 0 <= position.col < self.width
[docs] def get_pipe_safe(self, position: Position) -> Pipe | None: """Gets a pipe or returns None if position is out of map.""" if self.is_in_map(position): return self.pipes[position.row][position.col] return None
def __str__(self) -> str: """Human readable string of map.""" return "\n".join("".join(str(pipe) for pipe in line) for line in self.pipes)