Source code for day10.day10

"""day10 solution."""

from day10.lib.direction import Direction
from day10.lib.pipebounds import PipeBounds
from day10.lib.pipes import Pipe, PipeMap
from day10.lib.position import Position

INPUT = "day10/input.txt"
INPUT_A = "day10/input-a.txt"
INPUT_B = "day10/input-b.txt"
INPUT_C = "day10/input-c.txt"
INPUT_D = "day10/input-d.txt"

[docs] def process_input_line(row: int, line: str) -> list[Pipe]: """Process a single line of input.""" return [Pipe(row, col, char) for col, char in enumerate(line.strip())]
[docs] def read_input(path: str) -> PipeMap: """Read the map.""" with open(path, "r", encoding="utf8") as file: pipes = [process_input_line(row, line) for row, line in enumerate(file)] pipe_map = PipeMap(pipes) return pipe_map
[docs] def find_s(pipe_map: PipeMap) -> Position: """Finds the S pipe.""" for row_idx, row in enumerate(pipe_map.pipes): finder = (col_idx for col_idx, pipe in enumerate(row) if pipe.is_start) try: col_idx = next(finder) return Position(row_idx, col_idx) except StopIteration: continue raise AssertionError("No S pipe found!")
[docs] def calculate_s(start: Position, pipe_map: PipeMap) -> str: """Calculate what the "S" character is as a pipe. We should have exactly two pipes going into us Args: start (Position): position of S pipe_map (PipeMap): map of pipes Raises: ValueError: ``S`` doesn't have any connecting pipes AssertionError: ``S`` does not match any known pipe. Returns: str: The character representing the pipe """ connecting = [] pipe_directions = [Direction.NORTH, Direction.WEST, Direction.EAST, Direction.SOUTH] for direction in pipe_directions: pos: Position = start.next_position(direction) tile: Pipe | None = pipe_map.get_pipe_safe(pos) if tile is None: # e.g. S is on an edge continue opposite_direction = direction.opposite() if opposite_direction in Pipe.PIPE_DIRECTION[tile.character]: connecting.append(direction) if len(connecting) == 0: raise ValueError("S is not a a valid pipe") # should now have connecting == [NORTH, EAST]: for character, pipe_directions in Pipe.PIPE_DIRECTION.items(): if set(connecting) == set(pipe_directions): return character raise AssertionError("No mapping found for `s` pipe")
[docs] def find_cycles(pipe_map: PipeMap) -> list[Pipe]: """Finds the pipe path starting from S.""" # first find S, and re-assign it s_position: Position = find_s(pipe_map) s_char: str = calculate_s(s_position, pipe_map) s_pipe: Pipe = pipe_map.get_pipe(s_position) s_pipe.character = s_char pipe_path: list[Pipe] = [] current_pipe: Pipe = s_pipe direction: Direction | None = None while current_pipe != s_pipe or len(pipe_path) == 0: pipe_path.append(current_pipe) direction, position = current_pipe.next_position(direction) current_pipe = pipe_map.get_pipe(position) current_pipe.is_loop = True return pipe_path
[docs] def flood_fill(pipe_map: PipeMap) -> int: """Flood fills a pipemap from one starting tile. Args: pipe_map (PipeMap): pipemap to fill Returns: int: how many tiles were filled """ visited_positions = set() to_visit: list[Position] = [Position(0, 0)] directions = list(Direction) num_outside = 0 while len(to_visit) > 0: position = to_visit.pop() if position in visited_positions: continue # mark the position as outside pipe: Pipe | None = pipe_map.get_pipe_safe(position) if pipe is not None and not pipe.is_loop: pipe.pipe_bounds = PipeBounds.OUTSIDE num_outside += 1 for direction in directions: new_position = position.next_position(direction) to_visit.append(new_position) visited_positions.add(position) return num_outside
[docs] def process_big_input_line(row: int, line: str) -> list[Pipe]: """Process a single line of input.""" return [ Pipe(row, col, char, is_loop=(char != " ")) for col, char in enumerate(line) ]
[docs] def expand_map(pipe_map: PipeMap) -> PipeMap: """Expands each pipe into a 3x3 tile.""" big_map = [] for row in pipe_map.pipes: # three rows per original row: big_rows = ["", "", ""] for col in row: big_pipe = expand_pipe(col.character, col.is_loop) for row_idx, big_row in enumerate(big_pipe): big_rows[row_idx] += big_row big_map.extend(big_rows) # now convert big_map into "nice" pipes: pipes = [process_big_input_line(row, line) for row, line in enumerate(big_map)] pipe_map = PipeMap(pipes) return pipe_map
[docs] def reduce_map(big_map: PipeMap, small_map: PipeMap) -> PipeMap: """Converts from fat map back down to small map.""" rows = [] for row_idx in range(small_map.height): row_tiles = [] big_map_row_idx = row_idx * 3 + 1 for col_idx in range(small_map.width): big_map_col_idx = col_idx * 3 + 1 position = Position(big_map_row_idx, big_map_col_idx) tile = big_map.get_pipe(position) new_tile = Pipe( row_idx, col_idx, tile.character, is_loop=tile.is_loop, pipe_bounds=tile.pipe_bounds, ) row_tiles.append(new_tile) rows.append(row_tiles) return PipeMap(rows)
[docs] def expand_pipe(character: str, is_loop: bool) -> tuple[str, str, str]: """Expands a pipe character to big boi 3x3.""" # fmt: off if not is_loop: return (" ", " ", " ") if character == "|": return (" | ", " | ", " | ") if character == "-": return (" ", "---", " ") if character == "L": return (" | ", " L-", " ") if character == "J": return (" | ", "-J ", " ") if character == "7": return (" ", "-7 ", " | ") if character == "F": return (" ", " F-", " | ") raise ValueError("unknown character {character}")
# fmt: on
[docs] def part1(pipe_map: PipeMap) -> int: """Finds length of S loop.""" pipe_path = find_cycles(pipe_map) return len(pipe_path) // 2
[docs] def part2(pipe_map: PipeMap) -> int: """Finds tiles "inside" the loop.""" find_cycles(pipe_map) # print our map before we mutate it print(pipe_map) big_map: PipeMap = expand_map(pipe_map) # you can use this to view it lol. with open("day10/big_unfilled.txt", "w", encoding="utf8") as file: file.write(str(big_map)) flood_fill(big_map) with open("day10/big_filled.txt", "w", encoding="utf8") as file: file.write(str(big_map)) small_map: PipeMap = reduce_map(big_map, pipe_map) pipes = small_map.pipes total_unknown = 0 for row in pipes: total_unknown += sum( 1 if col.pipe_bounds == PipeBounds.UNKNOWN else 0 for col in row ) # extra step; mark unknown asn inside. for row in pipes: for col in row: if col.pipe_bounds == PipeBounds.UNKNOWN: col.pipe_bounds = PipeBounds.INSIDE print(small_map) return total_unknown
[docs] def main() -> None: """Read input and run part1/part2.""" pipe_map = read_input(INPUT) # q1 print(part1(pipe_map)) # q2. Flood fill the outside, then subtract length of loop. print(part2(pipe_map))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()