Source code for day09.day9

"""day9 solution."""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable

INPUT = "day09/input.txt"
INPUT_SMALL = "day09/input-small.txt"

[docs] @dataclass class ValueArray: """Class representing an array and its subarrays.""" sub_arrays: list[list[int]] def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Creates sub arrays.""" current: list[int] = self.sub_arrays[0] while set(current) != {0}: current = interpolate(current) self.sub_arrays.append(current)
[docs] def generic_extrapolate( self, add_to_array: Callable[[list[int], int], None], calc_value: Callable[[list[int], list[int]], int], ) -> None: """Generic extrapolation.""" for i in range(-1, -len(self.sub_arrays) - 1, -1): array: list[int] = self.sub_arrays[i] if i == -1: add_to_array(array, 0) else: array_below: list[int] = self.sub_arrays[i + 1] new_value = calc_value(array, array_below) add_to_array(array, new_value)
[docs] def extrapolate_right(self) -> None: """Extrapolates to the right.""" def add_to_array(array: list[int], value: int) -> None: array.append(value) def calculate_value(array: list[int], array_below: list[int]) -> int: return array[-1] + array_below[-1] self.generic_extrapolate(add_to_array, calculate_value)
[docs] def extrapolate_left(self) -> None: """Extrapolates to the left.""" def add_to_array(array: list[int], value: int) -> None: array.insert(0, value) def calculate_value(array: list[int], array_below: list[int]) -> int: return array[0] - array_below[0] self.generic_extrapolate(add_to_array, calculate_value)
[docs] def get_input(path: str) -> list[ValueArray]: """Turns inputs into nice ValueArrays.""" result = [] with open(path, "r", encoding="utf8") as file: for line in file: values = ValueArray([[int(item) for item in line.split()]]) result.append(values) return result
[docs] def interpolate(values: list[int]) -> list[int]: """Interpolate a list using element-wise diffs. Converts ``3 3 3 3`` to ``0 0 0`` Converts ``1 2 3 4`` to ``1 1 1`` Args: values (list[int]): list of values Returns: list[int]: interpolated list """ result = [values[i + 1] - values[i] for i in range(len(values) - 1)] return result
[docs] def part1(inputs: list[ValueArray]) -> int: """Interpolates then extrapolates array to the right.""" for input in inputs: input.extrapolate_right() return sum(input.sub_arrays[0][-1] for input in inputs)
[docs] def part2(inputs: list[ValueArray]) -> int: """Interpolates then extrapolates array to the left.""" for input in inputs: input.extrapolate_left() return sum(input.sub_arrays[0][0] for input in inputs)
[docs] def main() -> None: """Main function.""" inputs = get_input(INPUT) # q1 print(part1(inputs)) # q2 print(part2(inputs))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()