Source code for day08.day8

"""day8 solution."""
import itertools
import math
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Iterator

INPUT = "day08/input.txt"
INPUT_A = "day08/input-a.txt"
INPUT_B = "day08/input-b.txt"
INPUT_C = "day08/input-c.txt"

[docs] @dataclass class Location: """A location on our map, with names of other locations.""" name: str left: str right: str
[docs] @dataclass class LocationStep: """Location + how many steps to get here.""" location: Location steps: int def __hash__(self) -> int: """Custom hash function so we can compare/set this class.""" return hash( + str(self.steps))
[docs] class WorldMap: """world map class.""" mappings: dict[str, Location] def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize an empty world map.""" self.mappings = {}
[docs] def add_location(self, location: Location) -> None: """Add location to our mappings.""" self.mappings[] = location
[docs] @dataclass class Directions: """Simple directions string.""" steps: str
[docs] def get_step(self, index: int) -> str: """Returns a step given its index.""" return self.steps[index % len(self.steps)]
[docs] def get_steps_iterator(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Returns a iterator that loops through indefinitely.""" return itertools.cycle(self.steps)
[docs] @dataclass class Cycle: """Find a cycle.""" start_location: Location location_steps: list[LocationStep] # all the steps, including non-looping cycle_start: LocationStep # the step that loops cycle_start_index: int = field(init=False) # index of cycle_start end_zs: list[int] = field(init=False) @property def cycle_length(self) -> int: """Return length of the repeating part.""" return len(self.location_steps) - self.cycle_start_index def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Initializes the start indices and and end indices.""" self.cycle_start_index = self.location_steps.index(self.cycle_start) end_zs: list[int] = [] for index, location_step in enumerate(self.location_steps): if"Z"): end_zs.append(index) self.end_zs = end_zs
[docs] def get_location(self, index: int) -> LocationStep: """Gets a location given a step index.""" if index < len(self.location_steps): return self.location_steps[index] # 2nd half of array is from cycle_start_index -> end index -= len(self.location_steps) index += self.cycle_start_index index %= self.cycle_length return self.location_steps[index]
[docs] def read_input(path: str) -> tuple[Directions, WorldMap]: """Reads input into directions/world_map.""" with open(path, "r", encoding="utf8") as file: directions = Directions(file.readline().strip()) world_map = WorldMap() for line in file: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue # 0123456789012345 # GXF = (XQB, GFH) name, left, right = line[0:3], line[7:10], line[12:15] location = Location(name, left, right) world_map.add_location(location) return directions, world_map
[docs] def follow_directions(directions: Directions, world_map: WorldMap) -> int: """Follows directions until we hit zzz.""" mappings = world_map.mappings node: Location = mappings["AAA"] nodes_visited = 0 for step in directions.get_steps_iterator(): if step == "L": node = mappings[node.left] else: node = mappings[node.right] nodes_visited += 1 if == "ZZZ": return nodes_visited raise AssertionError("Unreachable; iterator is infinite")
[docs] def get_location_as(world_map: WorldMap) -> list[Location]: """Returns locations with an A at the end.""" return [ location for location in world_map.mappings.values() if"A") ]
[docs] def follow_directions_multi(directions: Directions, world_map: WorldMap) -> int: """Follow all mappings ending in A until all of them are ZZZ.""" nodes: list[Location] = get_location_as(world_map) cycles = [find_cycle(node, world_map, directions) for node in nodes] for cycle in cycles: print( cycle.start_location, cycle.cycle_start_index, len(cycle.location_steps), cycle.cycle_length, cycle.end_zs, ) # each cycle only has one z in it. # Also, each path is # [beginning][loop------z--endloop] # endloop.size == beginning.size # That means it can be simplified by finding the lcm lcm = math.lcm(*[cycle.cycle_length for cycle in cycles]) print(lcm) # 13,663,968,099,527 index = cycles[0].end_zs[0] index = lcm for cycle in cycles: print(cycle.get_location(index)) return lcm
[docs] def find_cycle( location: Location, world_map: WorldMap, directions: Directions ) -> Cycle: """Finds the cycle from a start location.""" start_location = location nodes: list[LocationStep] = [] step_count = 0 mappings = world_map.mappings node = LocationStep(location, step_count) location_steps_lookup = set() while True: nodes.append(node) location_steps_lookup.add(node) direction = directions.steps[step_count] if direction == "L": location = mappings[location.left] else: location = mappings[location.right] node = LocationStep(location, step_count + 1) if node in location_steps_lookup: break step_count += 1 step_count %= len(directions.steps) return Cycle(start_location, nodes, node)
[docs] def main() -> None: """Main function, solve the things.""" # q1 directions, world_map = read_input(INPUT) nodes_visited: int = follow_directions(directions, world_map) print(nodes_visited) # q2 follow_directions_multi(directions, world_map)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()