Source code for day01.tests.test_day1a

"""Tests for day1a."""
import pytest

from day01.day1a import INPUT_SMALL, get_first_last, get_input, part1

[docs] def test_get_first_last() -> None: """Tests a variety of strings on ``get_first_last()`` function.""" assert get_first_last("abcdef123asdf4") == ("1", "4") assert get_first_last("1") == ("1", "1") assert get_first_last("01") == ("0", "1") assert get_first_last("1abc2") == ("1", "2") assert get_first_last("pqr3stu8vwx") == ("3", "8") assert get_first_last("a1b2c3d4e5f") == ("1", "5") assert get_first_last("treb7uchet") == ("7", "7") with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_first_last("")
[docs] def test_part1() -> None: """Tests ``part1()`` function.""" lines: list[str] = get_input(INPUT_SMALL) assert part1(lines) == 142
[docs] def test_get_input() -> None: """Tests ``get_input`` function.""" lines: list[str] = get_input(INPUT_SMALL) assert len(lines) == 4 assert lines[0].strip() == "1abc2"